Jute is one the natural fibre crop popularly known as golden fibre. It is one of the strongest and the cheapest of all natural fibres. There are two main types of jute, white jute (Corchorus Capsularies) and dark jute or tossa (Corchorus Olitorius). Jute is annual crop takes 120-140 days to complete its life cycle.
More than 85% of world’s jute cultivation is confined to Ganges Delta of India and Bangladesh due to fertile alluvium soil and favourable temperature with enough rainfall. Jute is used for packaging industries previously, but now it is the source for paper, textile, building, automotive industries, decorative fabric and furnishing materials.
Jute as a natural fibre which has many inherent advantages namely lusture, low extensibility, high tensile strength, long staple length, moderate fire and heat resistant. It is eco-friendly and biodegradable. Jute can be used to replace expensive fibres and scare forest materials due to extensive technological developments.