Millets are the group of variable small-seeded grasses widely grown as cereal crop and has been cultivated from pre-historic period. Millets are important in semiarid tropics of Asia. Most of the millets are of short duration taking 3 – 4 months from sowing to harvesting under dry, high-temperature conditions. They are highly tolerant to drought and other extreme weather conditions. Millets has incredibly rich composition of nutrients. Millets play a role in preventing and curing several health issues.
The most commonly cultivated millets are:
- Finger millet - Eleusine coracana
- Sorghum - Sorghum bicolor
- Pearl millet - Pennisetum Glaucum
- Foxtail millet - Setaria Italica
- Proso millet - Panicum miliaceum
- Barnyard millet - Echinochloa crusgalli
- Kodo millet - Paspalum scrobiculatum
- Little millet - Panicum sumatrense